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Livingston School Apartments

Albany, NY 

New landscape components were designed for a historic restoration project in Albany, NY being converted to affordable housing, including a new driveway forecourt with decorative paving and geometries inspired by details on the former school building; a new gazebo garden with perennials planting; site furniture; and various foundation plantings around the building, parking lots and entry drive.

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Alison Duncan Design was commissioned to work on this significant historic restoration project for the former Philip Livingston Magnet Academy which was being converted into affordable housing for adults 55 years and older in Albany, NY. The project entailed Landscape Architectural Schematic Design Services through Construction Documentation and Approvals for a 1 acre site, entailing:


  • Driveway Forecourt & Main Entry, including decorative paving, plantings, and site furniture

  • Foundation Plantings around the perimeter of the building

  • Gazebo Garden, including planting, grading, site furniture, and gazebo structure

  • Parking Lot Plantings & Screening


Design Team

Alison Duncan Design 

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