Wakefield Playground
Bronx, NY

The transformation of a multi-level playground will bring water features, play equipment, sports courts, and new amenities to this residential neighborhood underserved by parks and open space.

Located in the northern Bronx, this hardscape playground was established in 1955 and its existing conditions show its age, with deteriorating equipment and conditions. The reconstruction of Wakefield Playground will revitalize a beloved neighborhood park that serves a diverse range of users, including seniors during the day, while in late afternoon and evening, children of PS 16 and young adults occupy the space. The proposed lower level of the park focuses on active uses for children with colorful water play features, swings, play equipment, and includes social seating areas. Twelve feet above the lower level, the upper level of the playground provides sports courts for teenagers and adults in the neighborhood. The two levels will be connected by a newly reconstructed switchback ADA ramp. The project’s design aims to create a bright, vibrant, safe, and inclusive destination within the neighborhood for all users. Additional trees and plantings will create a softer space, more shade, and reduce the heat island effect.

This project was completed while Project Manager at Abel Bainnson Butz.